+91 8569 831 848

----Fee Structure----

Fee Structure for the Academic Session 2021-22
One Time (at the time of admission)

Classes Registration Admission Caution Money (Refundable)
Nur.-XII 400 3000 4000
  Nur-KG I-II (Rs.) III-V (Rs.) VI-X (Rs.) XI-XII (Rs.)

Annual Charges (along with 1st quarter fees)

Amalgamated Fund 5400 5400 5400 5400 5400

Monthly Charges (remitted quarterly)

Tuition Fee 2600 3500 3600 3700 4000
Computer Fee - - 380 380 380*
Science Fee - - - - 450
Lunch (Optional) - 800 800 800* -

* For students opting Informatics
** For classes VI & VII only.
Transport Charges (For All Classes) as per distance

Note :

  • 1. Fee can be paid in cash either at the School Office or at AXIS Bank, BudhaKehra. For payment of fees in the bank, fee slip is to be collected from school office by self or through your ward.

  • 2. Fee Payment Schedule :
  • a. For 1st Quarter by 10th April, failing which the admission stands cancelled.
  • b. For 2nd, 3rd & 4th quarters by 10th of July, October and January respectively. Incase of late submission, fine @ Rs.10/- per day will be charged extra. In case the dues are not cleared by the end of respective months the name of the student will be struck off the Scholar Register. The student may be readmitted, at the discretion of the Principal, on payment of all dues and fresh admission fees of Rs. 500/-.

  • 3. Caution money is refundable within a year of leaving/withdrawal/ expulsion/ striking off the name from the Scholar Register.