+91 8569 831 848

--Admission Procedure--


For admission to the school Registration-cum-Admission Form, available with the prospectus, is to be submitted at the school office along with Registration Fee (non-refundable).

Admission Test and Interview

Admission to Classes I to IX will be on the basis of admission test which will held on last Sundays o January, February and March. Admission to Class 10+1 will be provisional at the start of the Academic Session. It will be confirmed after the declaration of CBSE results. Provisional Admission will be based on :
  1. Performance in the School’s written Admission Test.
  2. Pre-Board Results of class X for the students of SSBV School.

Combination of subjects available for 10+1 students :

Science Stream

Commerce Stream

Arts Stream

English Core English Core English Core
Physics Accountancy Psychology / Painting
Chemistry Business Studies Economics / Sociology
Biology / Maths Economics Geography / Political Science
Physical Education / Informatics Practices / Painting Maths / Physical Education / Informatics Practices / Painting Maths / Physical Education / Informatics Practices / Painting


  1. Registration for admission to school is NOT in any way a guarantee for admission.
  2. School reserves the right to admission.

Documents Required For Admission

Following documents must be submitted at the time of admission :
  1. Self attested Photocopy of Date of Birth Certificate.
  2. Original School Leaving Certificate from previous school.
  3. Photocopy of the Mark-sheet of the last examination taken. (Not required for admission to class I)
  4. Photocopy of Admit Card of class X (For admission to class 11th)

Withdrawals & Termination

  1. A parent, desirous of withdrawing his child, will have to inform the Principal one month in advance in writing, failing which, one month’s dues will be deducted from the security deposits.
  2. School Leaving Certificate will be furnished after a week from the day of receiving written request from the parents/guardian and only after obtaining No Dues Certificate from the Accounts Branch of the school office, Library & Tuck-shops, as per rules.

A student may be terminated from the school. His/her name will be struck off Scholar Register on the following grounds without any prior notice.

  1. Non-remittance of School Dues as per rules.
  2. Disciplinary grounds.
  3. Unsatisfactory progress in studies, resulting in repeated detention in the previous class.
  4. Shortage of attendance for the academic year.
  5. Absence from school for continuous 10 days without any prior information.
  6. Any other reason, as may be deemed fit by the Principal.

School Uniform

A brief description of the school uniform is as below :



All working days (except Tuesday and Friday) Half sleeves shirt, shorts for boys upto std. 5th, trousers for boys of std. 6th onwards, skirt for girls, socks, belt and black shoes (school pattern). Full sleeves shirt, woolen trousers for boys, skirt for girls, pullovers, blazer (optional), socks, school tie, school belt and black shoes (school pattern).
Tuesday and Friday (For Students of Classes 3rd to 12th) House colour T-shirt, white shorts for boys up to std. 5th, white trousers for boys of std. 6th onwards, white skirt for white canvas shoes. White shirt, Track suit of House color, white socks and white canvas shoes.



Nursery to 12

Summer Monday to Saturday 8:25 to 2:05
Winter Monday to Saturday 8:55 to 2:35