+91 8569 831 848



A library opens the portals to the infinite world of knowledge. The myriad books in the Junior and Senior library transport us back to history, help us to delve into the unknown mysteries of the world and widen our world view. A library of wisdom, is more precious than all wealth, and all things that are desirable cannot be compared to it. Whoever therefore claims to be zealous of truth, of happiness, of wisdom or knowledge, must become a lover of books. The libraries are open from 8.00am till 1.40pm for student and staff use. The center has a large reference section and carries a variety of newspapers and magazines. The aim of the center is to provide a lively research area within the school for study and reading. A library teacher is present throughout the day, to assist with individual research.


Laboratories are a seed ground where students get to explore, question, invent and deduce findings and learn in a collaborative way. Keeping in mind the famous Chinese proverb "I hear - I forget ; I see -- I remember ; I do -- I understand", the school boasts of separate lab facilities for Senior School and Middle School for all the Science subjects viz Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry. The Physics, Chemistry and Biology Lab have fully equipped teaching stations at the front of the room. They can see instructional demonstrations before they conduct experiments themselves. Each Lab has a spacious work area and at a time 40 students can be involved in experimentation. All the labs are equipped with computers. Trained Lab assistants help in the maintenance of Labs.

Computer Lab

There is Computer lab with 30 systems. All the computers are configured with the latest operating systems. The labs are LAN connected to facilitate internet use as and when required. The labs are managed by four computer teachers. Children from class’s I-XII use the labs. Children who have a flair for computers and are keen to learn more are encouraged to use the systems during the recess and Class Teacher periods.


Music will be compulsory for pre-primary and primary children. Every day they will be exposed to music. Apart from common songs and rhymes, the young ones will be trained to simple notations, rhythm, beats. To develop the motor skills of the children simple musical instruments like dholak, manjira, jal-tarang, harmonium, flute, etc. will be introduced from the beginning. Bhajans, patriotic songs and folk songs in Hindi will be an added attraction for the children to learn music.

Cultural Activities

Certain activities take place outside the classroom where children can get an opportunity to develop particular skills and exhibit their hidden inner abilities. Performing Arts will be the true and practical experience gained by students by their own learning. "Teach me, and I will forget", show me, and I might remember", Involve me, and I will never forget" __It is a very apt proverb in the case of performing arts. Cultural activities will help to enhance the all-round personality of the students. They develop self-confidence and if proper facilities are given to develop their specialized skills they can be successful in their lives. In our school, students will be motivated in the field of music, dance and performing arts, etc., so that they will feel a sense of belonging to the Indian culture and will have higher self-esteem by participating at national and international level. Cultural activities will help the students to develop their potential, identify their strengths and interest outside the classroom teaching.

Art & Craft

Regular teaching in Art and Craft will be compulsory as a part of the curriculum. Those children who have an extraordinary imagination/ creativity would get the opportunities to improve their talent. Teachers having special skills in art and craft will provide extra time to train the children. Sometimes resource persons, those who are not on the staff roles will also be invited to conduct classes to motivate the students. These children will be given the responsibility and opportunity of decoration at reception and functions in the school.


The school owns a fleet of ten comfortable buses for the transportation of children from town to the school and back. The bus routes and pick up points, are decided by the school. This information is displayed on the notice board of the school. For availing transport facility for their ward, parents must clearly write at the appropriate column in the Admission Form.
Parents are responsible for escorting their ward, to and fro, from the respective pick-up points. The transport facility is availed by the parents at their own risk and responsibility.
To discontinue the transport facility, parents must inform the principal one month in advance in writing, failing which, one month’s transport fee will be charged.

A student can be debarred from availing transport facility in case of indiscipline.

Smart Classes

Project Preparations