------Academic Process------
National Curriculum Framework 2005, directions suggested by CBSE and syllabi organised in NCERT text books form the basis for evolving the academic process. It is discussed here in brief.
1- Curriculum and Pedagogy
The curriculum design and its delivery is evolved around the child centered approach to learning. Great care has been taken to address the individual needs of pupils and to make teaching a means of harnessing child’s creative genius. We have taken lead and brought about fundamental changes in the matter of organising the curriculum and the system of evaluation.
2- Evaluation Process:
The evaluation process is designed to meet the needs of different age groups. Evaluation is comprehensive and continuous - uniformly spread over the entire academic year.
Primary Level (Class I to V)
The academic process here is characterised by
'Learning Without Burden’.
- Students are assessed during regular class hours while they are learning. Learning activities provide the evaluator (Teacher) basis for observational and qualitative assessment of pupils.
- Half yearly and Annual Evaluation is taken in a manner that summarises the whole year’s learning.
- Evaluations requiring writing work are kept for shorter durations.
Middle Level (Class VI to VIII)
Class room learning is re-inforced through field work experiences. Projects and activities are promoted. Duration for evaluations requiring written work is gradually increased to 3 hrs. Teachers observe, analyse and interpret the child’s performance, on various measures of assessment, to come to an understanding of the extent and nature of the students learning in different domains. Evaluation process for different subjects is based on CCE pattern as suggested by CBSE in curriculum for secondary level.
Emphasis is laid on expressive and participative functions of language learning.
- There are three Unit Assessments besides Half yearly and Annual Examinations.
Senior Level (Classes IX to XII)
Project work & Laboratory practices are integrated with class room learning.
- Development of scientific temper and making children sensitive towards environment and need for its protection are given importance in the curriculum design. The mode of evaluation as suggested in the curriculum by CBSE for Secondary and Senior Secondary levels is followed in word & spirit.
Promotion Criteria :
I to V : Students are promoted to the next level of learning (class) based on the grades acquired by them during performance appraisals, spread over the academic year.
VI to VIII : For calculating overall percentage, 40% weightage is given to continuous assessment and 60% weightage is given to the Annual Exams. For promotion to the next class, a student should secure minimum 33% marks in aggregate.
IX : Students are awarded grades and marks to indicate the subjectwise performance. Students obtaining the qualifying 33% marks in all subjects are promoted to class X.
XI : For calculating overall percentage, 100% to the Annual Exams. For promotion to the next class, a student should secure minimum 33% marks in aggregate and 33% marks in individual subjects.
Parent Teacher Student Meet (PTSM)
PTSM is a regular and significant feature of the school curriculum. It is an occasion for parents to meet the teachers and the Principal together with their ward, to discuss and plan for the growth of their wards.
We request the parents to recognise the importance of attending PTSM regularly, to promote rapport with the school and to keep their child motivated for learning.
Occasionally, co-curricular activities are organised on the PTSM day, to enable parents to witness the same.
Winter Summer
Parent Principal Meeting (PPM)
Meeting hours with Principal are from 12 noon to 2 pm on Monday, Wednesdays and Saturdays. For visits to meet Principal on days other than these days and PTSM days, kindly take a telephonic appointment.
Important Points For Parents
- Please scrutinise the ’Student’s Diary’ of your ward regularly and communicate with the class/subject teachers through space provided in the diary for the same.
- PTSMs are organised monthly so that you do not have to rush for discussing problems related to your ward’s academic progress, every now and then.
- It is obligatory for your ward to witness all activities and functions at the school.
- Ensure that your ward’s hairstyle conforms to the standards laid down by the school. Awkward hair styles like ’mushroom cut’ or ’crew cut’ are not permitted.
- Do not send sweets, chocolates, toffees or gifts for distribution in the school, to class children or teachers, on your ward’s birthday or for that matter on any occasion. These practices lead to competition among children. A feeling of inferiority is set-in among those who cannot do so due to monetary constraints at home.
- In case you want to take your ward home from school during working hours, you should either come personally or the escort must bring an authority letter signed by you, failing which leave will not be granted.
- Students are not allowed to bring mobile phones in the school campus.
- Attendance : 75% attendance is mandatory for taking Half Yearly and Annual Examinations.
- Kindly intimate the school office, the changes, if any, in address, telephone no. etc.
- The damage to school property and the loss of library books by the students are to be made good by the parents.
- The school is deemed to be indemnified against all claims arising from illness, accidents or other mishaps.
- The Principal/management are deemed to be authorised to take necessary actions, as they consider fit, in case of any emergency or in any situation requiring parents consent but unobtainable, or unobtainable promptly, as the situation warrants.
- Information & Rules given are subject to change for efficiency & convenience.
- The decision of the Principal, in all matters of dispute, will be final and binding on all parties.
- School dues are to be cleared upto 10th of the month ; July, October and January. In case the dues are not cleared by this date, a fine of Rs. 10/- per day will be levied upto the end of the month, after which name of the student may be struck off the Scholar Register. The student may be re-admitted at the discretion of the Principal on payment of all dues and fresh Admission Fees.
- Caution money is refundable within a year of leaving, withdrawal, expulsion or striking off the name from rolls, which ever is later.
- If a student is absent during a test or examination, be it for any reason, no re-test or re-examination will be conducted.
- Certificate or any other document, required by parents from school, will be issued after five days from the day of receiving written application from the parents.
Important Points
Important Points For Students
- As a student of a co-educational institution, you must take care to adhere to socially acceptable dress code, especially on informal occasions. To adhere to the wearing of school uniform on all occasions at school is a sound practice to follow.
- Your conduct outside home reflects on your bringing up at home and school.
- Students of classes upto 10th are not permitted to drive a car, scooter, moped or motor cycle to come to the school. Parents of students of classes XI and XII, who wish their wards to drive a scooter or motorcycle to come to the school, must apply in writing and take prior permission of the Principal for the same. No student will ride a scooter (including pillion rider) without wearing a helmet, properly secured to the head.
- You should not wear any jewellery items to school like chains, rings, bangles etc., or spray perfume or polish nails. Girls are allowed to wear single pair of ear rings/stud.
- Use of Notebooks available at the school tuck-shops is obligatory. Notebooks of any other make will be confiscated.
- Do not bring any eatables like toffees, chocolates, supari pouches, cold drinks, packed snacks etc. or articles like cassettes, gifts, blades, scissors, toys, cards, autograph diaries, pencil sharpening knives etc, to the school, unless especially instructed by the class teacher.
- You are required to speak in English in the school to acquire proficiency in this language.
- You must bring students diary to the school on all working days.
- Fine may be imposed for irregularity and acts of indiscipline.
- Articles found in the school will be deposited/displayed as lost property in the school office.